Monday October 1, 2007
Yesterday we motored the 15 miles from Guaymas harbor to San
Carlos. It sure felt good to be on the water and traveling somewhere again after
being land-bound for five months. The winds were quite light so we didn’t really
do much sailing but we could feel that the motion of the boat is much better
after our modifications. There will be more testing ahead.
Anchored at San Carlos Bay, we enjoyed the softness of
the boat under us as she moved with the water. So different than the hard, unmoving land.
Carllie: Though I loved being back on the water, feeling the
movement of the boat, feeling the sea breeze, and enjoying the natural drop
in temperature that one always gets on the water, I knew it would take awhile
to adjust to the motion. Our short motoring trip to nearby San Carlos reminded
me that I have to consciously settle my tummy when we are sailing, and do what
is necessary to keep it that way.
G&C: San Carlos harbor is a very dramatic harbor surrounded
by towering dramatically jagged mountains. Even though they are alot of expensive
gringo houses on the shores they cannot detract from the timeless beauty of
this spot. One can imagine the indigenous Yaqui indians coming out to repel
the Spanish invaders.
Happy to be back on the water in our functional galley, though not quite ready to turn on the stove! Anything we wanted to cook was cooked outside on our barbecue gas ring until the air temperature finally cooled.
Carllie: I always find it a bit overwhelming when we go to
a new city. Even though we had taken the bus to San Carlos from the boatyard
in Guaymas several times, we had never anchored in San Carlos Bay, nor tied
up our dinghy at the San Carlos Marina, nor found and used the laundry facilities.
It turned out, much to our surprise, that San Carlos is not a city, it is more
of a “bedroom suburb” of the city of Guaymas. It has no “el centro”
(downtown) and no big grocery stores. San Carlos folks (consisting largely of
Americans who have moderately expensive to palatial houses here) drive to Guaymas
to shop at Ley’s, Sorianas, and the fabulous Mercado Municipal (outdoor market)
on Wednesday mornings.
Bahia San Carlos is very picturesque, big enough for probably
a hundred boats on moorings and at anchor, surrounded by dramatic high, jagged
toothed mountains. The lower flanks of the southern hills and northern hills
are lined with lovely homes. The style is that very inviting Mexican cool look:
mostly white painted with thick concrete walls, often colored roofs, and something
picturesque on the roof disguising the water cisterns on top of each home. We
heard that Steven King (he who writes books to frighten and horrify people)
owns one of the more palatial homes high on the southern bluffs. At this time
of year, there are not that many Norte Americanos around, though, as it is still
very hot and humid, and after all one cannot live all day in one’s air conditioned
home. The sun is still of burning intensity, so San Carlos was pretty quiet
for our stay, much to our liking.
Before we left the boatyard in Guaymas, our friend Ron Pryde
kindly drove us around in his Volkswagen van to stock up on food, bottled water,
propane and gas. However, after only a few days and nights at San Carlos, knowing
we would soon be leaving populated areas for our sojourn north along the coast
north to Kino, then through the Midriff Islands to the Baja side and up to Bahia
Los Angeles, I knew we would need a good stock of fresh produce. So I was happy
to bus back to Guaymas with Garett when he figured it was necessary for mechanical
Tuesday October 2, 2007
Garett: We took the bus back Guaymas to see if we could track
down the shifting cable we need for our 9.9 Yamaha outboard engine, and found
one as well as the end connector which had fallen into the water along with
the corroded end that broke off.

Bahia San Carlos is very picturesque, surrounded with timeless jagged-peaked mountains, with the lower flanks, hills and northern shore lined with beautiful Mexican-style homes.
Trying to keep cool with broad-brimmed hat and partially unzipped dress on the way to San Carlos Marina.
This was almost our last bus ride on a Guaymas bus, traveling from San Carlos to Guaymas. We love those bus rides–bumping along as the driver puts pedal literally to the metal, all the windows open so the hot air could blow in at us cooling us in the process. The sun is so intense that you always have to think, “Now what side will the sun be on for most of the trip?” and sit on the other side.
Garett: We noticed how hot it was back in the
city versus being on the water. With the water at 82 degrees F, the air temperature
never really strays too far from it.
Wednesday October 3, 2007
Carllie: While on the hard, we had learned that our fellow
Canadian friends Peter and Marni Siddons, who hail from West Vancouver, were
at the marina in San Carlos, so it was with much anticipation that we looked
for and found their Beneteau 42,
2 Pieces of Eight. However, even though
the boat had been left open, much ahoy-ing and knocking from our dinghy yielded
no humans both times we stopped, though the second time I got up on the dock
and investigated their cockpit. I found their Siamese cat, Latte, sprawled on
one cockpit seat trying to keep cool in the oppressive heat. Who knows where
fat cat Tigger was at that point (Tigger you may recall from our October 2006
visit to Oxnard California, is a very very fat Manx cat who now weighs about
26 pounds).
Eventually, we did find Peter and Marni at home, and gave them
a quick update on the major modifications we had made on
Light Wave. In
true Marni-enthusiastic-style, they were keen to visit and see our mods, so
we invited them out that afternoon at 5 p.m.
Bahia San Carlos at dawn.
Another cat anchored in the bay at San Carlos. Catamarans at really the best way to go. Though I love visiting friends, it is very hard for me to visit them on their monohulls if they are at anchor, as the constant rolling, even in a very calm sea, is just too unsettling to the tummy. I am so accustomed to the blissful stability of a catamaran at anchor, which is the state you are in probably 90% of the time when you are cruising, even after long offshore passages, that it would be impossible for me to even consider switching back to a monohull.
Entertaining Marni and Peter on a cool, clear early evening at Bahia San Carlos.
Peter and Marni loved our modifications, and we had a nice
long visit. They told us all about the summer-long stay in the very hot northern
Sea of Cortez, and detailed their favorite anchorages in and around our destination,
Bahia Los Angeles, and all the beautiful places they had stopped across the
northern Sea and south along the coast to get to San Carlos. We made notes in
our cruising guides, and at the time of writing have visited many of those spots.
(More on those in order of events.)
Thursday October 4, 2007
Garett: I did another brief trip into Guaymas for some more
last minute supplies and food items. I even found my lost diving sock a mile
away on the rocky beach where the wind had blown it the previous day.
Tomorrow we are off north.

Our route covered in this update from San Carlos to Bahia Los Angeles.
Friday October 5, 2007
Quietly motoring out of Bahia San Carlos in the early morning light.
Carllie: Eagerly anticipating sailing to new and unpopulated
anchorages where we could swim in clear water, snorkel, free dive, spearfish,
and beachcomb, it was still with some sadness that we left Bahia San Carlos.
We know we will not be seeing Peter and Marni again for a couple of years at
least, as they are soon heading south to La Paz and then back across the Sea
to Mazatlan, planning to reach Zihuatanejo during the season. We know we will
not be returning Guaymas, a little city that has won our hearts, for many years.
San Carlos, though not as warm, Mexican, nor inviting as Guaymas, is nevertheless
a very pretty spot that we have enjoyed. Who knows when or how we will visit these shores again? These are the challenges of voyaging:
leaving friends and places one has woven into one’s heart and soul.
Garett: We woke up early and left beautiful San Carlos at 7
am and headed north, The coastline here is very dramatic with volcanic rock
covered with splashes of green from the rapid growth after all the summer rains.
Many long time residents told us that this was the greenest they have ever seen
the Sea of Cortez.
Our objective for the next week was to slowly cover the 80
miles north up to Tiburon Island and savor the unique spots along this section
of coast.
The captain and boatbuilder gauges how the boat feels after our very significant modifications.
Carllie: It was unimaginably satisfying to be under way again.
To know that our boat work was done, and all that lies ahead of us is enjoying
exploring this beautiful, ancient sea that we have now become accustomed to.
No longer do I yearn for the deep green of the hills and mountains surrounding
our home waters in British Columbia. There is a peace and depth of serenity
in this Sea and in the unpopulated shores and islands we have yet to explore.
Last view of the “Goat’s Nipple” peak leaving San Carlos
The rainy season and Hurricane Henriette that washed these shores during the 2007 summer months have fed dry but tough roots of bushes, trees and even cacti, which have burgeoned forth in new growth that swaddles the dry rosy hills like cool silk garments.
Garett: It only took us four hours to cover the
sixteen miles to Bahia San Pedro, one of the spots recommended by Peter and
Marni. We anchored just in time as the midday winds had started their usual
pattern from the northwest, tucked into the far northern corner to protect us
form the swells that were wrapping around the corner. The water was not super
clear, maybe about 15 feet visibility, and so I dove down on our anchor which
we had put down in 20 feet depth. When we were in Phoenix three weeks ago I
had bought some new “split fin” snorkel fins that the knowledgeable
owner had recommended. What a difference! These look similar to regular fins
except they are cut right down the center. When you first look at them you think
they could not possibly work, but I was able to actually dive down to the anchor
without any weights on. This is was impossible with my old fashioned ones. Ahh!
The progress of technology developed by divers’ with know-how to meet their
When I did dive down to the anchor I saw that it was sitting
on a pile of rocks and not set as it should be, buried into sand, so I went
back to the boat and we hauled it up, moved back another 50 feet and re-set.
All was now fine.
South entrance to San Pedro Bay.
Last glimmers of the the sun on the mountains to the east.
Attack of the Beetles
We enjoyed a nice peaceful afternoon in the balmy 85 F air
temperature. It was quite dry so it was just about as perfect a temperature
as you could want. Carllie cooked up dinner and just as we were about to sit
down this big, 1/2 inch in diameter circular flying beetle bug flew into the
cabin which created quite a ruckus, as Carllie was sure it was a cockroach.
I quickly got rid of it when another one flew in. The attack of the bugs had
begun! We quickly closed the door and screens and tried to relax during dinner.
For the next hour we could hear all of these beetles hitting the center cabin
like a mini hail storm. Many stunned themselves and we found them dead when
we ventured outside. After dinner we shined the light out through the window
and there about 50 of these bugs in the cockpit and around the boat. I went
outside to get rid of the carcasses but then others kept hitting me.
Eventually after a couple of hours it quietened down. We found
out the next day from another boater in the bay who lives up in Tucson that
these critters were actually June Bugs. It was an unnerving night. (C: He also
told us that in Tucson when the June Bugs do their night-time strafing, the
tarantulas come out to clean them up. Nice. Glad we don’t live in Tucson.)
That night, the temperature actually dipped down to 78 F which
is the coldest it has been since we got here. Carllie actually got out her Polartec
blanket. Until now, we have been sleeping sans clothes, then in very light night
attire, then only with under a cotton sheet. Guess our blood has gotten thinner.
Who says Canadians are accustomed to snow and living in igloos?
Saturday October 6, 2007
When we first woke up and looked at the channel outside it
looked a little windy and rough so we thought we might have to stay another
day at San Pedro, but by 9 am it seemed to calm down so we decided to head north
the next 15 miles to Ensenada Julio Villa, a place which we were told was very
Approaching Ensenada Julio Villa just in time, before night falls.
We motored into about 10 knots of wind but as
we approached Julio Villa the winds were more like 15 knots maybe even 20 from
dead ahead. It was a great test of Light Wave’s ability with longer
hulls to motor upwind. She now seems to make way, either motoring or sailing,
with far less hobby horsing and keeps her speed up; as well there is virtually
no bridgedeck slamming.
View into Ensenada Julio Villa.
We just managed to sneak into this very small
1 or 2 boat cove before the wind really started to howl from the northwest at
25 knots. As the bay faces southeast we were totally protected all snuggled
up inside. There was a couple of Mexican families camping on shore and it looked
like an American couple further along the beach. The road to get here is a very
rough dirt road of about 60 miles from the highway in Kino.
The bay is named after Julio Villa who was in a honor (possible
candidate for a Darwin Award) of a local fisherman who used to fish by throwing
sticks of dynamite into the water as a fishing method. Well the story goes he
had all these extra sticks of dynamite attached to his waist belt when one of
them ( I guess then all of them) accidentally exploded. This is a true story.
Carllie: Later we learned that many years ago there was a cross
near the beach with Julio’s name, though there is no evidence of it now. (Actually,
when we went hiking we found a whole bunch of little crosses inscribed “J.V.”,
and can only assume these are where Julio’s body parts are buried. heh heh heh.)
Garett: After settling down for the day with the dinghy put
together and the anchor firmly set I got around to installing the new shifting
cable so we can run the engine in reverse and Carllie reorganized our dark tunnel
of clothing/books/and stuff which makes up the aft section of our starboard
head hull.
We loved Ensenada Julio Villa and we stayed three nights.
I swam off the boat at Ensenada Julio Villa, while Garett snorkeled and spearfished.
Carllie: When we first got to Ensenada Julio Villa, there was
an extended family of Mexicans camping ashore, and it was very pleasant to watch
their campfires and hear their cheery but quite subdued Mexican music that night
and to awake the next morning to the sound of little children playing. There
was also another couple camped further down the beach, whom we later found to
be an older couple, Ernie and Vicky, from Tucson, who have been coming here
every year to camp for 25 years.
Mexican children having fun at Julio Villa.
Camp of extended Mexican family.
It seems like winter
Garett: We had a great dinner but the temperature kept dropping
to 72 F. It felt like winter! We had to put long sleeved shirts on and will
use blankets while sleeping. It is such a relief after the heat and humidity
of a mere 10 days ago in the boatyard.
The wind is howling a bit right now but we do have the light
on the shore from the fire from the Mexican campers to keep us company as there
is no moon and it is really dark here as there is no city background lights.
Sunday October 7, 2007
Today, we snorkeled around the bay, getting our snorkeling and
free-diving skills back while we watched the fish and sting rays flitting along
the bottom. Later, we dinghied to shore for a good long walk along the very rough
road the leads to the beach.
Enjoying another peaceful dawn at Ensenada Julio Villa.
Garett getting ready to test the water at Julio Villa.
Journal writing: lots of food for thought in such a peaceful place.
Getting ready for a walk at Julio Villa.
Light Wave sitting pretty at Ensenada Julio Villa.
Finding stuff on the beach. Who can resist?
We found this huge horde of Pink Murex shells, which are very beautiful shells about the size of the palm of a man’s hand that you can buy in shell shops, and I scooped a few. Later we found out that sadly fishermen must have caught these in their nets, and just left them here to die and be eaten, many years ago as they are now clean.
Garett getting ready for a big walk.
Testing the cacti on the road leading to Julio Villa. Yup! Pretty sharp.
Cacti grow pretty big here.
Man’s earliest telephone: Haloo? Haloo? Anyone there?
Setting sun casts a rosy tint on the beautiful hills surrounding Ensenada Julio Villa.
Monday October 8, 2007
A day with a Carburetor
Garett: Ernie, the camper who we met on shore last afternoon,
was out in his dinghy with a small out board engine. It seemed to start and
then stop and then finally stopped about 100 yards form shore. He managed to
row in and so I went in to see if there was something I could do. We tried putting
in some carb cleaner and then we tried some fuel conditioner. We seemed to get
going for about 4 minutes and then it died again. We then got more drastic and
took the carburetor off to try to clean it out. We actually put it on and off
6 more times. We were getting so good at it we got down to under 2 minutes.
Finally on the 7th time it started! We were overjoyed!. We then discovered that
the fuel hose was
not connected! How could that be? When we connected
the fuel hose it stopped! We were now totally confused and finally came to the
conclusion that there were mysterious forces at work here and decided to call
it a day at 3 pm and have some chocolate cake that Carllie had baked.
Carllie: I noticed Vicky sitting in
the sand sifting through shells for hours yesterday, and then again the next
morning, so practising my crawl and using my new swimming goggles, I swam in
to see her and find out exactly what she was doing. She showed me the very tiny
beautiful little shells she collects and uses to decorate cards she makes at
home with inspirational quotations. I thought this was a great idea, and sat
with her and her little dog Majita, for an hour sifting sand and finding amazing
tiny treasures, then leaving my little treasure trove with Garett in the dinghy,
swam back to
Light Wave for a nice fresh water shampoo and shower.
Since our stay at Kalaway Bay Resort this summer, where I swam
four or five times a day, my crawl has been improving. Now that I have goggles,
with my contact lenses I can open my eyes under the water and see where I am
going, making the whole experience much more enjoyable (not to mention allowing
me to swim in a straight line!), so I am hoping to continue to strengthen my
crawl and maybe when we return home to Vancouver sign up for an aquatic centre
where I can go swimming in the mornings.
The day’s haul in shells: big, medium and tiny.
The things of beauty one finds on these beaches are irresistible,
and it is good to now have some tentative plans about what I can do with them.
It is mind-boggling what Nature creates, the intricate and colorful beauty of
the shells that were once inhabited by living creatures deep in the sea. Even
the spines left behind by dead sea urchins have their own beauty, as to tiny
bits of sunbleached coral and tiny vertebrae of different types of fish.
Carllie hiking behind Ensenada Julio Villa in her “blue-footed boobie” shoes.
Sifting for tiny shells at Julio Villa.
Light Wave is so much prettier
with her longer hull length, don’t you think?
Vicky, Ernie and dogs visiting with us at their camp.
Carllie: This perky little preying mantis visited us one night when we were plagued by a lot of tiny flying mosquito-like insects that swarmed around our lights if they got in. When I picked him up, he eyed me calmly with his protruding”bug eyes” and let me move him outside, where I hope he ate his fill of the tiny flying pests.
Tuesday October 9, 2007
Garett: We decided it was time to move on and headed off to
Kino about 50 miles north. We left at 8 am which was going to make it tight
to get there by nightfall at 6 pm. However, I was confident that we could safely
enter the open bay with radar.
Bye bye, Julio Villa! (Notice our bright new Canadian flag? Our last one was very faded by the time we got to Guaymas last April!)
Last view of the picturesque and colorful hills surrounding Julio Villa as we left for Kino.
Suddenly, as we traveled north, the terrain flattened out.
When 10 miles north of Ensenada Julio Villa there was almost
like a line drawn on the mountains as they went from green to grey. It was obviously
the edge of where the rain fell from hurricane Henriette back in September.
A further 10 miles up the coast the beautiful mountains abruptly
stopped and then it was just this flat berm beach. It was quite a dramatic change.
Sailing to Kino. Red sails in the sunset?
Approaching Punta Kino.
Hundreds of pelicans roosting on the reef extending from Isla Pelicano.
Last view in daylight of the hills of Kino but still 10 miles out
Sure enough we were making slower progress because of the current
against us and for the last two hours we were in the dark with just the radar
and the background lights of the town on the shore of Bahia Kino. The recommended
anchoring spot is behind Isla Pelicano which is a small half mile long island
not marked by navigational lights of course. With no people and is about 500
feet high as it is only for the pelicans and sea gulls its name applies. (Peeeuuuw!
What a smell when the wind shifted!)
It was a little spooky as we approached this black ominous
blob of Isla Pelicano even though the radar was all the time confirming the
distance away. Finally when we were about 1/8 mile off in 20 feet of water we
let the anchor down eventhough we weren’t totally protected from the small waves
but at least we were settled down and reasonable safe for the night.
Wednesday October 10, 1007
When we woke in the morning we were surrounded by shrimp boats
who we could see fishing on our radar last night as we approached Kino.
Showering on our nice new roomy aft platforms is great.
The fragrant Isla Pelicano, where we had anchored in pitch black with the aid of radar the night before.
Shrimp boats snuggle up to each other off Kino and Isla Pelicano. Guess they don’t worry about scratching hulls!
Garett: We motored about 2 miles to the beach at new Kino which
is an exclusive gringo recreational home spot for people form Phoenix and Tuscon.
We had a little scary moment when I came inside to check some charts and kind
of got too involved in what I was doing. Carllie had been reading inside, so
there was no one on watch and suddenly we here this yelling and Carllie looks
up and sees two guys in a panga right in front of our bows–like in our nets.
After some pretty excited words from Carllie, I leapt back into the cockpit,
pushed 10 degrees right on the Autohelm, and the pescadaros were suddenly behind
us, smiling as they had heard my wife berating me no doubt. (“Why didn’t
you tell me you were coming in? We are in a busy channel! I would have watched!!!!”
etc., etc.)
It is true: we were only about a mile from the Kino shoreline,
and there were fishing boats all around us. We were lucky that that one moment
of inattention did not end badly, and hope we have both learned a lesson.
Carllie: We anchored off New Kino and Garett went ashore to
buy some food and ice. There were lots of pretty homes right up at the shore,
but behind them it was just tiny little Mexican homes and a dirt road. Luckily,
Garett did find a good source of fresh produce and really stocked up on fruit
and vegetables, plus ice, thus giving us some leeway to take our time crossing
the Midriff Islands to the Baja side.
View of pretty American homes lining New Kino shore, while Garett motors to shore to get produce and ice.
Fully stocked up we motored 15 miles across to
Tiburon Island and “Dog Bay”, actually called Bahia Perro (doesn’t
that sound far nicer?)
Blue blue water invites us.
The sky turns magical colors as the sun sets at Bahia Perro.
I wanted to stay for more than one night at Bahia Perro, but
Garett was keen to carry on so we only spent one night here.
Thursday October 11, 2007
Even though Dog Bay was nice, there were alot of bees so we
decided to continue to make our way across the Midriff Islands that span the
width of the Sea of Cortez about two thirds of the way up. These islands allow
you to go across the Sea in a couple of easy day trips. It is still 70 miles
across and these islands obstruct the flow of the tides and so all of sudden
current becomes a factor. You start seeing whirlpools and tide rips which we
haven’t seen we were in the San Juan Islands and BC last summer.
Pulling up the anchor at Bahia Perro (Dog Bay).
Beautiful colors as we leave Bahia Perro.
Continuing to make our way west to the Midriff Islands, the land became increasingly more arid. Obviously the summer rains and deluge from the hurricane had not reached this far north into the Sea.

We spied this Loon at ????
Sailing past Isla Tiburon.
We motored around the south end of Isla Tiburon, made our way
through Cactus Passage and then started heading northwest up the channels.
A Real Flying Fish
For some reason I had always thought of flying fish as jumping
fish. We are always saying “Look! There is a flying fish!” We were
confused; what we should have been saying is “There is a *jumping* fish”
because today I actually saw my first flying fish.
As we were motoring in the perfectly calm seas, I saw this
little beautiful 8 inch brilliantly dark blue fish “jump” out of the
water only about 10 feet off our starboard bow coming back towards me in the
back of the cockpit. I expected him to make his gravity driven plunge back into
the water but no, with his four sets of wing fins sticking out from each corner
of his slender body, he just kept on flying and flying, and flying… and flying!.
He went about 40 yards in the air about six inches above the water. It was one
of the most amazing things I have seen on the entire trip. Now I know what a
real “flying fish” is. I will never confuse it with the garden variety
of jumping fish. All I could say “Wow!”
By 10 am the wind came up at about 10 knots so we were able
to tack back and forth across the channel and with the help of the 2 knots of
current were able to make progress across.
Garett adjusting the sails. Sure is nice to be able to sail in our swimsuits.
By 4 pm we were approaching Isla Animas went through
a narrow channel and then came to Isla Salsipuedes (Sal-see-poo-AY-days) which
means “Leave if you can” and anchored in the barren cove on the south
end of the island.
Approaching Isla Animas and the channel to Isla Salsipuedes.
Approaching the southern anchorage on Isla Salsipuedes
We put the dinghy together and went ashore on to this very
barren and dry island. It was quite obvious that this island like all the area
that started just south of Kino has not had any rain this year as the hurricanes
have bypassed the whole area. There was virtually no cactis and no plants. The
one advantage is that you can walk any where you want so we went for a little
hike of a mile to the far side of the island. It was very unusual landscape,
almost moon-like.
Garett at Isla Salsipuedes.
Carllie: This anchorage and island was probably the least inviting
of any we have visited in the Sea of Cortez, though John Cunningham says in
his excellent CD cruising guide to the Sea that it is his favorite island! Firstly,
there was no beach per se–just rocks. There was nothing green that we could
see on the steep scree-covered hills that we climbed. It just had no appeal.
However, we were there for the night and because the water was undoubtedly crystal
clear, we looked forward to snorkeling over the rocks and reefs surrounding
the small bay the next day. We did enjoy stretching our legs on the “moon
walk” up and around those desolate hills, and appreciated the views, but
quickly returned to our cozy nest aboard Light Wave to make dinner and watch
another couple of episodes of “24”–always good for escapism even
though one has to enter a world of enforced unreality to shut out the propaganda
that conflicts so sharply with reality (the good ol’ U.S.A. and its intrepid,
upright, patriotic and self-sacrificing agents of C.T.U. (Counter-Terrorist
Unit) that never do any wrong, righting all the wrongs of the world…).
Light Wave anchored at the desolate Isla Salsipuedes.
Walking and hiking the very rocky, moonlike Isla Salsipuedes.
A late afternoon hike on the moon-like hills of Salsipuedes. I was glad I had bought a new pair of excellent New Balance running shoes before we left home. Great support for these scree-covered trails and climbs.
We were pretty sure this would be a one-night stay, but we
tried to keep open minds.
The fast-falling night creeps up on the bay next to us at Salsipuedes.
I was glad that in our shopping frenzied last days in Vancouver,
getting some of the things we knew we could not get in Mexico, I insisted on
buying a new pair of good running shoes. My expensive, perfectly fit after an
hour and a half in the store, New Balance shoes fit my narrow feet very well
and provide excellent support for these hikes in unfamiliar terrain. I hope
to get back to running soon, but injured the ligaments in my left knee when
I stretched too vigorously back in Guaymas before a run, and I am now paying
the price in a little joint popping, weakness and tenderness in that knee. I
know it will heal, given gentle exercise in swimming and snorkeling, daily light
stretching of the upper thigh muscles and easy walks and hikes on shore.
We closed the day with a refreshing swim as the sun set. Every
time we get back to the boat after a short or long hike, we are sweaty, and
these swims followed by a short fresh-water shower from a refilled 1-litre water
bottle are the perfect treatment. Sometimes, after spending a few hours reading
in a warm cabin, just as sun sets I like to jump in the water and swim around
the boat to refresh me for the night.
Friday October 12, 2007
We woke up at 6 am to the rocking of the boat as the wind had
started from the west at maybe 10 knots–not very much, but over the 10 mile
fetch from the Baja peninsula across Canal Des Salispuedes there was a little
bit of wave action wrapping into our little bay and we had swung around the
anchor and were now only about 75 feet from the 50 foot high rock cliff. We
decided that we would definitely not stay another night. We puttered around
to get ready but first we thought it would be good to try the snorkeling as
the water was quite clear and we could see the bottom in 25 feet of water, so
we finned over to the rocks that were piled up at the bottom of the cliff as
this is usually a spot where there are fish.
Morning sheds a different light on Salsipuedes: what was dreary and dull the night before was now vividly outlined by the turquoise blue clear water, and seemed pretty at least.
My enthusiastic snorkeling, free diving, spearfishing provider getting ready to hunt.
Garett with his second catch at the surprisingly prolific bay at Isla Salsipuedes.
Carllie: I enjoy snorkeling and free-diving in these warm waters
(79 to 80 degrees F.), though we both wear lycra suits and gloves to protect
us from scrapes we might get as we swim over reefs and rocks. It is so peaceful
to put your head in the water, breathe through your snorkel, and paddle around
gazing at the fish swimming and carrying on their fish-lives in sublime oblivion
right under you. No sound except that of your own breathing. When you want to
dive, as Garett has said, you take four to six deep breaths, focusing on pushing
every last bit of air (carbon dioxide) out of your lungs and the tube with each
exhalation. Then pinch your nose and blow out to equalize the pressure, bent
at the waist, sticking one leg straight up and one leg perpendicular to it,
dive, again equalizing the ear pressure as you dive. At the bottom, or as you
near it, you puff out a bit of air through your nose to keep the face mask from
pressing too hard, then you hang onto a rock, let your body sink, relax and
just watch the show. Bit by bit the little fish peep out at your from behind
the rocks where they have hidden, swimming right up to your mask for a look
if you stay long enough. I find myself talking to them: “Hi there! Aren’t
you pretty?”
Garett snorkeling and spearfishing.
Garett enjoys watching the fish as well, but these days he
is more into his hunter-provider mode drawing on an ancient gene pool I am sure,
and focuses on finding big unsuspecting fish he can spear and bring home for
dinner. I have gotten used to this killer instinct, though I always feel for
the fish who sometimes are not quite dead when Garett throws his trophies down
at my feet like a cat producing a mouse.
Garett: I jumped in first after donning my lycra suit and weight
belt and swam over to the rocks. The water was the clearest I had seen so far
and there were alot of big fish of several types I had not seen before so I
went back to Light Wave and Carllie handed me my spear gun.
With my hunting weapon in hand I made my way back to the rock
piles. I am still very much a novice spear fisherman and there is a lot to learn
as I would soon find out. The technique which seems to have the most merit is
the “Sink and Wait” which is where you look for a convenient rock
about 10 to 15 feet down. After taking 6 big and fast deep breaths to purge
your system of CO2 you dive down to the rock and grab hold of it as you are
still positively buoyant even with the weight belt. You then wait, blend into
the scenery, and let the fish come to you. This method is far superior to the
“chase after the fish” method which I tried many times with extremely
limited results in my previous attempts early in the spring, as the fish are
much faster than I will ever be in the water and they just swim away if you
try to follow them. They know a predator when they see one!
The challenge of the Sink and Wait method is that you have
to be able to hold your breath long enough, and the key to holding your breath
is to stay totally relaxed as any tension physically or mental anxiety creates
alot of CO2 which then triggers the urge to need breath. Easier said then done.
My experienced spearfishing friends tell me you have to be able to stay down
60 seconds to get the good fish. I can only stay about 30 and it seems like
a very long time. I will keep working at. The whole area had the most bigger
fish I had ever seen. I did manage to get two medium size fish in about 45 minutes.
Carllie: Taking our time, with the whole day ahead of us and
our ultimate objective Animas Slot, only 18 miles away, we headed for Isla Partida
when we left Salsipuedes, to gunkhole for the afternoon. Again, this island
was less than welcoming, with an even rockier beach than the one at Salsipuedes,
but we did enjoy another short snorkel..

Salsipuedes Channel en route to Animas Slot.
Dolphins in Salsipuedes Channel en route to Animas Slot.
After our leisurely start, we made it to Animas Slot just before
dark. It seemed a lovely protected anchorage, even more appealing because we
spied a large group of kayakers on shore setting up camp for the night. It is
really not that big an anchorage, however, and the entrance is narrowed by treacherous
reefs lying just under the surface of the rocky bluffs to the east and west.
If the wind shifted unexpectedly from the northwest, we could be pinned with
big waves rolling straight in from the long channel we had traveled to get here.
However, all went well for our one night anchored here. In the middle of the
night, likely early morning, it got pretty rolly and we later realized that
the rocky isthmus to the west was covered at high tide and the waves from the
northwest rolled right into the anchorage, while the current kept us facing
north towards the entrance. So it was pretty uncomfortable, though certainly
not as bad as it would have been in a monohull
Garett: In the middle of the night the wind came up from the
northwest and at two o’clock the spit that provided much of the protection to
the bay was covered by the very high tide and so now the swells to come right
into the anchorage. With the Tidetool program on our Palm, I calculated the
spit would be uncovered until 4 a.m. so I decided to stay on anchor watch until
then. There really was not much we could do about it as we could not leave to
go any where else. Nothing really exciting, but when it is the middle of the
night with no moon, and very dark with waves rolling in it is a little unnerving.
Carllie: Eventually the rolling woke me up and when I called
Garett in his berth in our “bedroom hull” there was no answer, so
I went upstairs and found him ensconced in the cuddy cabin, uncovered in the
cool breeze. So I did my wifely thing and brought him up his pillow and Polartec
blanket and tucked him in, then went back to my cozy bed. We trust our 35 lb
Delta anchor. Just like we trust a thin aluminum shell carrying us 40,000 feet
above the earth at 400 mph when we fly because our intellectual mind understands
the principles of aerodynamics, we understand the principle of anchoring: how
big an anchor we need for our boat, how much rode we need to put out for the
depth we are in, etc., and we have confidence that all will be well. Nevertheless,
Garett’s anchor watch was a good idea.
Saturday October 13, 2007
Garett&Carllie: With the dawn of the a new sunny day and
also because the winds had eased off, everything seemed more promising. When
we listened to the morning weather net on the short wave we concluded that evidently
these winds were a local phenomena and not the result of pressure gradients
measured by isobars available on various weather nets to our weather guru, Don
Anderson on Summer Passage broadcasting from Oxnard, California.
The beautiful beckoning beach and the picturesque setting at Animas Slot made up for an unsettling night of waves rolling into the anchorage over an isthmus covered at high tide.
Garett: We aren’t quite sure what we will do today but if we
can we will move to a more protected place a little further north in to Bahia
ANimas btu first we will go and say hello to the kayakers ashore.
Light Wave in beautiful clear water at picturesque Animas Slot To the left of the island you can see the sand spit which is now exposed and providing protection from the north. Unfortunately at high tide at 2 am last night the waves were coming right over it.
Carllie: We were keen
to get to shore–Garett to talk to the kayakers (what else?) and me to do some
more peaceful shelling.
Dinghy pulled up and up the hill on the beach Carllie doing her thing sifting sand for treasures.
Young people doing NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership Seminars) kayaking segment.
Garett: While Carllie did some shell collecting I went over
to the the kayaking group. I spoke to one of the group leaders, Amanda. Three
group leaders take twenty 18 to 24 year olds for a 35-day ocean kayaking segment
which is part of the NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership Skills) program, a worldwide
program. They live as a group for each 35-day sessions in a remote. During the
trip each of the participants is the acting leader and has to plan, coordinate,
and lead one day of the expedition. It must be very challenging to lead such
a diverse group of people. A very interesting education alternative.
Amanda, one of the leaders of the NOLS group. This is her seventh straight session of 35 days each
Carllie: I had a glorious time in my big sun hat and big white
cotton shirt to protect me from too much sun, sitting on a foam mat and sifting
the sand for tiny priceless offerings from the sea. So peaceful and soothing.
I hope I will always remember these times. While I was running the fine sand
and tiny treasures through my fingers, I was watching the group of young people
in their wet suits snorkel around the bay, all the while getting more and more
curious about what they were seeing.
View from my shelling spot at Animas Slot.
After about an hour, Garett came back from his socializing
and we decided we would return to LW, and go for a quick snorkeling investigation
of the bay.
Ready to snorkel and hunt in Animas Slot!
We enjoyed swimming over the rocks surrounding the bay and
finning over the sand looking for small sting rays and manta rays, and also
for some sole for Garett to shoot. After about an hour of this pleasant activity,
but no luck for our hunter gatherer, we returned to the boat for lunch then
anchor-up. These days I am using up tortillas for lunch, warming up cans of
refried beans, using the wonderful and inimitable Herdez salsa sauce to which
I usually had one chopped tomato, grating some carrots with mayonnaise, and
using a bit of processed cheese so we can make our own wraps. Lunch is pretty
simple, but pretty yummy too.
Carllie with one of her delicious tortilla wrap lunches laid out in our cockpit. Ahh! This is the life!
Garett: We left Animas Slot at 3 pm and motored over the bay
behind Punta Alacran, Scorpion Bay, only 7 miles away. As I observed the grand
vistas around us with no virtually no sign of human intervention (no towns,
no navigation lights, no clear cuts) we realized it these vistas were relatively
timeless as they have not changed in thousands of years with the exception of
the ice age which caused the ocean levels to change.
Bye bye Animas Slot! Maybe we will see you again when we start back south in December.
A view to the north to Isla Coronado which we will come to next week. It is an extinct volcano as can be seen by its shape.
We arrived at Bahia Alacran and anchored 300 yards off the
beach which has eight Yurts in varying sizes. These are octagon tent cabins,
and are spread out about 100 yards apart and up a rise. We think these Yurts
were originally created and used in the Mongolia or Afghanistan, but are not
quite sure. We think they are part of a very rustic outdoor activity (kayaking/fishing)
retreat. The amazing thing is that after we anchored in this remote place with
just a barest touch of civilization while I was having a nap, Carllie turned
on the computer, tried the wireless connection and squealed with delight when
she found ultra high speed internet access directly from the boat.
Carllie: Our friend Marni Siddons had us in stitches when they
were telling us about different anchorages back at San Carlos. She called this
place “Yurt Beach.”
“Yurt Beach” at Bahia Alacran (Scorpion Bay) where we were delighted to find high speed internet connection.
Garett: We were so excited that we would be able to listen
in on a teleconference call with our friends back home at 8 p.m. When 8 o’clock
came we were on line and ready when all of a sudden at 8 on the button the internet
went down. We realized they turned off their generator! I guess it is back to
the primitive Sea of Cortez…
We hope tomorrow the internet will come back on and we will
be able to upload our website update and pictures.
View of spectacular majestic mountains from Bahia Alacran.
Carllie: While Garett napped and before I turned on the computer
I spent about an hour patiently cleaning my collection of tiny shells from Animas
Bay. Another peaceful, soothing activity. Hmmm. What can I do with these little
trivia shells? or these whelks? the cones, cowries, murexes, wentletraps and
augers? All kinds of creative ideas poured into my mind.
Suddenly, while I was patiently washing the sand out of tiny
gifts from the sea and pondering what to do with them, I heard out on the water,
“Spoof!” (pause) “Spoof!” (pause) “Spoof!” Stepping
out into our shaded cockpit, I looked around and, much to my delight, saw several
dolphins swimming and spouting around this lovely bay. They were fishing for
their evening meal, and though I called to them, “Hi there! Come on over
for a visit!” they remained intent on their well-honed skills. Soon, I
saw a whole school of medium-sized fish leap out of the water together,and knew
that the dolphins were herding them, and using their sonic blasts to frighten
them into a boiling mass that the dolphins would plough through to eat. Garett
snored through the excitement.
Sunday October 14, 2007
Carllie: After spending a night in a tenuous anchorage and
visiting a few less than pretty ones, it was a pleasure to be tucked into this
lovely big bay where we were protected on three sides. Last night, we had seen
lights in the yurts. Checking them out with our binoculars a big palapa covered
deck outside the biggest one, and concluded this must be the eating and gathering
area for the guests. Today, we waved at two guests, apparently a married couple,
being taken out to scuba dive at some reefs on the SW side of the bay in the
resort’s panga. The lady was very friendly, and we saw them and chatted with
her a few times over this and the next day. Guess hubby was still suffering
from city tensions, as we later learned they were from New Hampshire, and were
here for a totally relaxing holiday.
On our way to a little beach we spied as we entered Bahia Alacran.
After our morning exercises, a little personal planning time,
and a quick breakfast, we piled into our trusty little PortaBote dinghy and
with great anticipation headed out to explore. It was a lovely, clear day; the
sea was clear turquoise blue, the sky another shade of blue (that my artist
friend Karmel could identify), and the white sand on all of the stretches of
beaches in different sections of the shore forming a half circle around us called
to us.
We stopped at this perfect, private little beach at the entrance to Bahia Alacran, and made plans to visit for a thorough exploration.
Heading east to the northern side of the entrance to Bahia
Alacran, we landed at this tiny beach. It has lovely fine white sand, and because
of its configuration in the prevailing winds and position of the surrounding
bluffs, rocks and reefs, captures millions of tiny perfect reminisces from the
sea. I came prepared with my little Ziploc bag and big hat, and immediately
plopped myself down in a likely spot and began running my fingers through the
tiny perfections, sure to be totally absorbed, while Garett walked and climbed
around the beach and rocks, and made plans. He gave me half an hour of bliss,
then returned with the suggestion that we would come back the next day to snorkel,
spearfish and shell. Okay by me!
Bonanza! The perfect shelling beach and snorkeling bay.
On our way out we motored by and called hello to the New Hampshire
couple from the resort, who were trying out a neat little Hobie Brave beach
cat, sailing it back and forth in the bay. They were novice sailors and frequently
got in irons, but they enjoyed themselves for hours. We are thinking this would
be a perfect little cat for Kalaway Bay Resort, and wonder how and when we can
get our hands on one for that happy purpose.
Light Wave waits patiently for her caregivers, in the beautiful setting of Bahia Alacran.
The bay is very large, probably about a mile across, and we
were happy to have our motorized dinghy to run around and view, thinking back
to the times when we had only rowing power with our little nesting dinghy. How
did we ever manage when we circumnavigated Vancouver Island? We “zoomed”
around as much as a 3.3 hp 2-stroke Mercury engine will allow, surfing in at
the beach in front of the main palapa/yurt of the resort. We met Scott and his
wife Donna who manage this resort, called the Las Animas Wilderness Retreat,
seven months of the year. A guard watches over it during the excrutiating hot
summer months when hurricanes threaten and no sane person would want to be here.
The main gathering and eating space on the palapa covered deck was very very
enticing, cool, and of course offers this wonderful view of the bay with a very
pretty yellow cat at anchor.
The gathering, eating deck at Las Animas Wilderness Retreat.
The yurts range in sizes of 20, 24 and 30 feet diameter, and
peering in through the windowed doors we thought they look pretty cozy. The
brochure Scott gave us explains that the resort is located within the Valle
de Los Cirrios protected wilderness preserve,and is a “boat in only”
all inclusive multi-sport, soft eco adventure destination. Steve said in the
spring months they take guests out in boats to watch the visiting pods of whales.
They also provide kayaks, scuba diving equipment, and in the fall you can snorkel
with the whale sharks. (Remember those harmless big plankton eating sharks,
Korianne?) Guests are flown down from San Diego to the nearby town of Bahia
Los Angeles, then brought to the resort by panga. Each guest can bring only
20 lbs of luggage. Sounds pretty appealing to us, and we are keeping this brochure
for future reference. The only thing missing, that we would really miss, are
the Mexican people to meet, chat with, and get to know. What we really want,
when we are back home, is a place to come like Guaymas, but more on the sea,
where we can actually be with the people as well as enjoy nature. The typical
tourist destinations of Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, and probably
Cancun, though we haven’t visited there, hold absolutely no appeal for us.
The kitchen adjoining the meeting dining room palapa of Las Animas Wilderness Retreat.
If you are interested, you can check them out at
or call 800-221-9283. And I don’t get a commission either!
One of the yurt residences at Los Animas Wilderness Retreat.
If you want to buy your very own yurt for your backyard, this is where you can get one.
We bade adieu to Scott and Donna, and began walking down the
half-mile stretch of beautiful white sand that lines this section of the bay.
Near a few yurts we found three different sections of huge whale bones. They
must be from a grey whale, as they are colossal.
Vertebrae in part of a skeleton of a grey whale. Wow! I wouldn’t want to be this guy’s chiropractor!
Every few feet we found mysterious bore holes that some unknown
critter had created as he dug himself into the sand, judging by the scratch
marks at the front of each hole. We were mystified, but reluctant to put our
hands and arms down a hole to find out who was hiding in there.
A Ghost Crab’s home.
Eventually, we came across a hole whose resident was still
in the process of boring: a small crab tucked himself into the hole and pretended
he did not see us, on the same logic cats use: If I can’t see them, they can’t
see me! We tickled him until he ran for the water, so fast he was a literal
blur of scrabbling claws. Mean, but interesting. Scott later told us these are
“ghost crabs.”
Walking the beach at Bahia Alacran.
Majestic mountains of the Baja Peninsula provide the perfect backdrop for our pretty, new XP version of Light Wave.
Only a few of the cleaned treasures I scooped up in half an hour at the tiny beach near Bahia Alacran. The little pile in the lower left-hand corner are “snail doors.” They were the little doors on the shells of living snails, keeping their juicy inhabitants and builders protected. Very pretty and perfect for gluing onto greeting cards.
The day ended with another great refreshing swim off the boat,
and short fresh-water shower. We were ready for dinner and another exciting
bit of escapism with “24”!
Monday October 15, 2007
Carllie: We could hardly wait the next morning
to get back to our tiny little perfect beach. The plan was that I would snorkel
with Garett for awhile, and he would spearfish. Then when I was finished snorkeling,
I would swim ashore and sift through shells while Garett continued fishing.
This worked out perfectly. I had a great time visiting little fishes and watching
big ones, knowing that this was a real bonanza for Garett. With another 2-lb
weight on my weight belt, now giving me 6 lbs of weight, I was able to dive
to the bottom and stay there easily, watching life under the sea play out before
me. The best places to snorkel are over big rocks or reefs, and this little
bay was surrounded by both. I discovered many rocks to dive on where I pre-planned
hand holds to keep me down, and in one of those spots spired a small manta ray
silking over the sand, while keeping a friendly eye on me with the eyes located
in the top of this body. I said hello and joined him on the bottom for awhile,
keeping him in view as much as possible. He was only about a foot and a half
long, but these creatures are beautiful to watch, no matter what size they are.
I also saw many blue and yellow striped little fish, one larger bright yellow
fish, and many of more subdued colors that became more vivid when I got close.
View from the rocks at our perfect little beach spot.
Eventually, I made my way back to the beach, took
of my fins, socks, gloves and lycra suit while sitting in the light surf, donned
my hat and a shirt, and plopped myself down in the sand to visit the shells.
By the time we had been here for an hour and a half, Garett had gleefully speared
three impressive looking mid-size fish, and was boasting in an Aussi accent
(as per “Finding Nemo”) “We’re having FISH tonight!”
Garett’s catch for the day.
We motored back to the boat, where I showered off and snuggled
in with
Sweetwater Creek, a new book by an author I had never read
before, Anne Rivers Siddons, and was so absorbed in the plot I didn’t put it
down for two hours, while Garett practised Spanish in the bedroom hull, had
a nap, and then took the dinghy out for an exploration of the western shore.
My happy hunter-gatherer hubby, preparing to clean his catch.
When he got back, I put down my book and went
for a refreshing swim, practising my crawl again with my great new goggles (why
have I never invested in these before?) while I swam around Light Wave.
Carllie heading for the swim ladder after swimming around the boat. This is the life!
Right after my swim, we upped anchor and headed three miles
further north around the corner into another lovely little unnamed bay very
similar to Bahia Alacran. This bay also has a little resort on shore, though
consisting of small cabins not yurts, and all closed up right now and so offering
no convenient wireless internet that we could tap into.
After I worked on writing this update of our website for a
couple of hours while Garett toodled over to visit another boat that had sailed
in and anchored after us (my outgoing groupie husband), I abandoned my plans
to make another wonderful white bean soup (with potatoes, onions, celery, carrots
and spices), for dinner and and instead baked some potatoes to have with Garett’s
fish. Cut into small pieces, with olive oil, garlic powder, sea salt and pepper,
wrapped in tinfoil, and baked at 400 degrees F. for about half an hour, they
were absolutely delicious with the salad I made with sprouted mung and akuzo
beans and Garett’s delectable fish. Garett caught three fish, all different
kinds. One was a type of puffer and his guts were large and filled with sand,
rocks and beetles from the bottom of the sea. We kept that one for flaking into
tortilla rice. The other two had lovely light white meat that flaked off the
spine very easily. Now Garett knows what to look for and has honed his spearfishing
Tuesday October 16, 2007
Carllie: We got another early start today, Garett always starting
the day just before Don Anderson’s 7:15 a.m. broadcast from Summer Passage on
the single sideband radio with the weather update for the whole western side
of Mexico. There has been a tropical storm hovering about 200 miles off of Manzanillo
for about a week. It has now been numbered, though not yet named, and is still
in the category of Tropical Storm, not hurricane. It covers a circular area
of about 150 miles in diameter and is generating winds of 45 knots, but is still
a long way from us (900 miles), and with the weather forecasts we would have
plenty of advance warning of it does develop into a hurricane and head in our
direction. You can see how invaluable and essential these weather broadcasts
are for all cruisers in western Mexico and beyond into offshore areas for those
heading into French Polynesia, down to Central and South America, or off to
Hawaii as we will be doing next spring.
It takes me a little longer to get going in the morning, and
I am always awakened by the sound of Don’s cheery and humorous voice very knowledgeably
and capably announcing the weather. I throw off my Polartec blanket, fold it
up, straighten up the sheet on my berth, and stumble out into the sunshine.
The day has begun.
There has been no swimming or explorations on shore yet, as
this morning I dedicated to finishing writing my memories for this update. Garett
will do the same, filling in any blanks I have left and adding his memories.
Then we will up anchor and toodle back to Bahia Alacran in time to access its
wireless internet to upload our update to the website. Great fun. Time to stretch
and do a few situps now!
Garett: We took the dinghy ashore and enjoyed on a nice little
hike yesterday behind the beach at Bahia Pescadora (a name we have given to
this unnamed bay). It was perfect for hiking as it was relatively flat with
some areas of scrub bushes, so you could walk virtually anywhere. Of course,
there are no real trails. It was our first long hike since we left Guaymas.
I even had energy at the end to go for a short run as there haven’t been many
opportunities to run at the anchorages we have stayed in since leaving Guaymas
almost three weeks ago..
Carllie: This hike was really glorious. We found beautiful
pieces of quartz everywhere, and hope these pictures give you an idea of their
pastel colors.
Hiking at Bahia Pescadora.
We found beautiful pieces of Quartz everywhere on our hike behind Bahia Pescadora –in many pastel shades.
Photos are the best way to keep rocks! The terrain
was undulating low hills made up of tiny bits of rock and shells compressed
into sand. There was no scree, as there often is on the hills, slopes and mountains
surrounding these bays in the Sea of Cortez making hiking up or down any kind
of an incline iffy.
Cautiously hiking down to the beach on the opposite side, favoring my weak knee.
We walked slowly due to my currently bum knee
and enjoyed it even more, reaching the opposite side of the berm and climbing
down to the beach. By that time, I felt a little weak, so we took a slightly
different route back.
View of beautiful Bahia Pescadora, with Garett posting as if he is hiking (foot in the air!)
Just about at the beach at Bahia Pescadora, at
the scrub line, I looked up and saw a jackrabbit hopping along. Garett saw it
just in time, and as we continued toward this greener area, we saw another one.
Jackrabbits are pretty big bunnies, not the cute little Easter bunny type. They
have very powerful legs, and this one floated through the air for about 8-10
feet after each hop. Back at the white sand beach, walking back to the dinghy
while Garett turned around for his run, I saw a lot of coyote tracks. The cycle
of life continues in this arid land.
We enjoyed daily swims and snorkels in the crystal clear water.
Dawn departure from Bahia Alarcran to Bahia Los Angeles.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Garett: We woke up at 6 a.m. with the plan of heading the 15
miles to Bahia de Los Angeles (B.L.A.) to get food, water and gas, and hopefully
to find a lavaderia to get some laundry done. After a little struggle with the
engine after flooding it we were off just as the sun rose at 6:33 am. You always
feel so positive when you are awake with the sunrise and start the day off early.
We wanted to leave early as the prediction was for strong northwest winds which
was the direction we were going so it would be on our nose. There was about
15 knots of wind so we just motored and bounced our way along at 4 knots.
Garett on dawn departure from Bahia Alacran.
We anchored off the small town of Bahia Los Angeles near five
other cruising boats. We motored by one monohull,
Momo, and hailed
a fella on deck, asking him about the best place to land our dinghy ashore.
He pointed out the place, while his wife waved from their companionway. He said
shortly they would taking their little kids to the beach and could give us directions
when we came ashore to the tiendas and stuff.
This hand-drawn map from our chart guide shows Bahia Los Angeles and the islands inside it. We came along the lower heavy dotted lines from off the right hand side of the page and anchored off B.L.A.on the left side of the page.
On shore, we bumped into the family from
Momo, Bernie,
Michelle, and daughters Lola (6) and Jana (3) and spoke to Michelle for quite
a while about everything under the sun. We found out that three years ago they
had done the same trip we have to do: Mexico to Hawaii in March and from Hawaii
to Vancouver in July, which they did in 2005 and then stayed in False Creek
for the winter. It was encouraging to get their feedback on the legs.
Michelle and Bernie with sleepy daughters Jana and Lola.
Carllie: We were surprised they managed this as Vancouver is
so unwelcoming to offshore cruisers, offering no anchorage or moorage. However,
they said they were there in
Momo before the bureaucrats at City Hall
(prompted we think by envious taxpayers and property owners) passed the present
laws severely restricting anchoring in False Creek. While it is true there are
a few derelict boats in the Creek, most are occupied by liveaboards who have
legitimate jobs, and the occasional visitor from near or far.
Again, back into our “Mexican discovery mode,” we
trudged in the hot sun down the unfamiliar main paved road of this tourist destination,
Bahia de Los Angeles, looking for tiendas that had been roughly sketched on
a map by our friend Marni Siddons.
Trudging the roads in Bahia de Los Angeles looking for supplies and laundry facilities.
We found the comunitaria tienda, as Marni indicated, in a spot
that looked like a junk yard, and the very friendly lady who runs the place
told us that manana en la manana a las siete (tomorrow morning at 7 o’clock)
they would have a fresh batch of fruit and vegetables. So we bought a few things
at the other tiendas, and planned to wait for the morning to really stock up.
Meantime, we found the lavaderia, and Garett took me and our purchases back
to the boat so that I could get the laundry sorted out and prepare it to take
to the laundry lady, while Garett returned to shore with all of our water and
gas containers. Again, thanks to some misanalysis or misunderstanding, we were
told that laundry here was very expensive, that they charged 200 pesos per load
($20). Because of this, I spent an hour very laboriously washing all of our
clothes in two pails on the boat, planning on replenishing any fresh water I
used before we left. The only laundry I had for Garett to drop off was two big
bed sheets and a bunch of small tea towels, hand towels, wash cloths and dish
cloths. This was a relatively small load and much to our surprise only cost
50 pesos ($5), so I could have had the whole shootin’ match done for a mere
100 pesos ($10), and saved myself a lot of labour. The $20 price must have been
for a huge load of laundry accumulated from a few weeks of cruising There are
so many myths about sailing and cruising, living here in the Sea of Cortez.
We have gotten pretty skeptical, but are still sucked in!
Here is an interesting photo of some Mexican scaffolding. Note that the horizontal standing plank is supported by the diagonal pieces which are wedged into the ground. It works and is safe.
Just as I got my laundry ready for Garett to pick up, Michelle
came by in their inflatable and told me that she was on her way over to the
“yellow tienda” at the other end of the strip, asking if I wanted
to come along. She was going to pick up Michael from the sailing vessel
anchored near us, as their dinghy and outboard motor had been stolen the
night before, along with those of another sailboat anchored in the bay. (Everyone
now pulls their dinghies up onto the bows of their boats, or into davits before
retiring for the night.) I did go with Michelle and picked up some money from
Garett as we motored by him heading back to Light Wave. This yellow tienda was
the best-stocked place in town, and the prices weren’t too bad considering that
everything in B.L.A. has to be brought in over very rough roads. I got a few
things, planning on visiting again with Garett the next morning after the comunitaria
for fresh veggies and fruit, and we headed back out to our respective boats.
En route, we again met Garett returning to Light Wave from visiting with Bernie
Momo. He let Michelle know that Bernie had invited us over for a
visit, and he was obviously gleeful about this. I could sense Michelle’s thoughts,
the mother of two little girls who had to make dinner, clean up, and then worry
about entertaining guests!
Anyway, we waited around, and eventually got a call on the
radio to come on over, so we grabbed a bag of tostadas and jumped in the dinghy.
Two very excited little blond girls greeted us at
Momo–they don’t
get very many visitors. I had put on some nice pale green pants and my matching
thin long-sleeved cotton blouse embroidered with pale green sequins (purchased
last January in San Blas), and regretted that I had not followed through with
the idea of putting on a pair of dangly sparkly earrings, when the little three-year-old
Jana was enchanted with my “shiny” blouse! I was shown their respective
tiny “bedrooms” and played with and on, until I excused myself saying
I had to visit their parents now. From then on I was not very popular, but attributed
their grumpiness to too much hot sun at the beach earlier that afternoon, and
We had a great chat with Michelle and Bernie, two historians
born in the Eastern U.S.A. and Vancouver Canada respectively, who have picked
up their family and left the great vortex of commercialism to travel around
the world, educating their daughters with other cultures, nature, winds and
waves along the way. Michelle told us about one mother they know in eastern
U.S.A. who had enrolled her little daughter in a preschool, giving them a deposit
in advance when she traveled to Europe. When she returned and visited the school
to firm things up, she was given a big pompous presentation about how important
it was for children to be enrolled in that particular school, how every moment
of their days is planned, how they usually require the children to take I.Q.
tests before they accept them, how children who attend this particular preschool
go on to Harvard and Princeton Universities. Michelle’s friend was aghast, and
told them they could keep their deposit, she was not sending her daughter here!
Thank goodness she had some common sense. Whatever happened to letting children
have a childhood? Are we starting to create serfs, workers, drones, from the
minute our children enter kindergarten?
Visiting Bernie and Michelle in their cozy boat Momo.
Michelle and Bernie said this attitude is all-pervasive in
the States: everyone is always chasing the almighty dollar, and it is never
quite within their grasp. They do not even know their neighbors, let alone help
them out in time of need. It is good to see some young couples are thinking
for themselves and taking the route less traveled.
Thursday October
18, 2007
Carllie: We charged out of bed and skimmed through our morning
routine as quickly as possible so that we could get to the comunitaria tienda
while there was still a good selection of fresh produce. Many locals and a few
Norte Americanos and cruceros (like us) filled the tiny store, gleefully filling
boxes with fresh head lettuce, tomatoes, green pepper, potatoes, celery, cabbage,
onions, bananas, nectarines, apples and pears. It was a real bonanza, and a
very friendly shopping experience while everyone waited in a long queue for
the proprietor to add up their bill. Often, in these little towns that is exactly
how it is done: the clerk or owner weighs each item or prices it, then writes
it down on a page in a notebook. Once she has priced everything, she adds it
all up with a big kids-style calculator, giving you the total in rapid-fire
Spanish, which often totally befuddles gringos, so she will politely show you
the total on the calculator, which you can easily understand.
Hortencia (holding her head) deals with a flock of customers the day her new produce her arrives. All is actually much more relaxed than it appears here.
This was the third time I took the picture, so the Mexican people, shy at the best of times, were a little straight-faced.
Back at
Light Wave, while I washed the produce and
Garett put away the rest of the provisions, we saw Bernie and Michelle pull
up their anchor and sail out of the bay on reefed jib and main, as by now, the
wind had come up. We called to them, then responded to their call over the radio
and told them we would see them shortly in Puerto Don Juan.
We made one last trip to the beach and two other tiendas in
this little town of 700 souls, where we found such things as club soda, granola,
rice, olive oil, Herdez salsa, and canned fruit salad for the days we have run
out of fresh fruit.
At one of the nicer tiendas, we bought a few more things and
were delighted to find half of the shop filled with fairly new model computers
with very high-speed internet. So we plugged in for half an hour, and answered
and sent a few love notes. It is tough that we cannot access the internet from
home right now, but on the other hand we are enjoying being right off the grid.
Sometimes, being plugged into the ‘net is just like having a telephone! If there
were a way we could do without a telephone when we get home, I think we would
seriously consider doing so. I believe most of us really do not realize how
much connections like telephone and internet interrupt our thought and creative
Happy to finally find a store with internet access in B.L.A.
The wind was by now pretty strong from the north, and we did
not want to stay another night in a bay where we could not swim off the boat,
so our plan was to head to Puerto Don Juan, only about seven miles rom B.L.A.
So we got everything stowed as quickly as possible, pulled up the anchor and
raised our jib only. With a jib only, we don’t have to reef it or the main,
so it makes things a little easier. We enjoyed a pretty exciting beam reach
sail in building wind and waves to Puerto Don Juan, and were very happy to turn
into the dogleg that leads into this perfect little hurricane hole.
Here is the power generating plant for the town. It operates from 6 am to midnight and then it is lights out in the whole town!
A worker waves at us from the pole he is balanced on. They are getting ready to plug it into the ground.
We saw this fat sleeping Siamese cat in the “Yellow Tienda.”
We enjoyed a short sail over to Puerto Don Juan…
It was very windy!
There were five other sailboats anchored in the bay when we
arrived, two of which were big catamarans that had been left at anchor for short
times while owners traveled home. We found
Momo here with Bernie, Michelle
and girls, as well as
Moon Hunter with Bill and Miriam, whom we had
first met way back in November 2006 in Turtle Bay on the outside of the Baja
on our way here. We were also delighted to find
Daydream, with fellow
Canadians Wayne and Susan, whom we had met at the boatyard in Guaymas before
we left for B.C. in June. Garett had to motor over to them and say hi, and as
soon as we had set the anchor and put the dinghy together, he was off like a
shot to chat with everyone, while I swam around the boat and had a shower.
That night, we heard something rather large sleeping under
the boat, probably a sea lion: “wheeezzz, unnnnnh, wheezz, unnnh.”
Funny. Last time we had a critter sleeping under the boat was at Silva Bay at
Gabriola Island in B.C., and that was either a river otter or a seal. Here in
the middle of the night we also heard a veritable chorus of coyotes yipping
and singing on shore, in full voice. It was a much better rendition that what
we hear at home when we are at the lake in the Okanagan.
Friday October 19, 2007
Garett: I did a little socializing first thing in the morning
and went and visited Wayne and Susan on their big aluminum sailboat,
We had last seen them at the Guaymas boatyard in June. We told each other about
our summer activities and then I asked them to cover over at 5 o’clock for some
Garett enthusiastically visiting Wayne and Susan on Daydream, whom we found at Puerto Don Juan. Garett had really hit it off with them in Guaymas, and stayed in this position telling his long highly dramatic tales for about three-quarters of an hour.
After doing a big circle of the bay that makes up Puerto Don
Juan I putzed over to visit Bill and Miriam on
Moon Hunter. We had
met Bill last November in Turtle Bay. He has been free diving since he was about
4 years old and he had really encouraged me at the time to do some spearfishing.
This was before I had even snorkeled so this seemed pretty far out. Now I was
anxious to tell him my various spearfishing war stories and experiences. I sat
in his cockpit for a couple of hours with his two friends Jason and Karen and
his wife, Miriam. It was great fun. They invited me to go out with them diving
at the entrance to the bay later in the afternoon for some spear fishing.
Bill the amazing freediver and spearfisher and wife Miriam aboard Moon Hunter.
After checking with Carllie, I donned my gear and headed out.
It was a little bit of a stretch for me as the conditions as the entrance were
a little wavy because of the winds blowing into the anchorage. It was a little
unnerving swimming in the 3 foot swells and then diving down. As long as you
did not poke your head up above the water for a peek it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t
get any fish but it was fun trying with Jason and Bill.
Carllie: We invited Wayne and Susan over for “high tea”
at 5:00 as to call our alcohol-less entertainment “Sundowners” would
be a misnomer. I made a wonderful, easy recipe of fruit crumble, using a nectarine,
orange and apple, oatmeal, two pieces of crumbled bread, a bit of sugar, some
cooking oil and some spices, and we made some Roibois tea. Susan is a fellow
computer geek like Garett, and very kindly saved with us a program to “rip”
the DVD’s so we could finally watch them.
Saturday October 20, 2007
Garett: Today is our one day window to cross over to Isla Angel
de La Guarda as tomorrow’s forecast is for the first strong norther of the season
with expected with winds of 25 to 40 knots. Our plan is to make the short 15-mile
hop to Este Ton, a small horseshoe bay that can hold maybe 2 or 3 boats and
which is completely protected from the northwest should the predicted winds
It was beautiful calm morning and we left after saying our
goodbyes to our friends in Puerto Don Juan.
Last view of calm Puerto Don Juan in the early morning as we slowly pulled out.
Getting the sails uncovered, preparing Light Wave for the short (15 mile) sail to Este Ton.
Sleepy-eyed Wayne and Susan say goodbye from Daydream. We had to return Susan’s hard drive, but they told us not to bother them before 9 a.m.!
Cruising guide map showing the 15 miles
from B.L.A., in the lower left corner, to Este Ton on Isla Angel de La Guarda.
We enjoyed a nice sail over to Este Ton.
Garett en route to Este Ton.
It was flat calm for the first five miles but
by the middle of the 15 mile channel that separates the Baja and Puerto Don
Juan form Isla La Guardia surprisingly the wind came up from the south at 10
knots. So we had a fine little sail across to Este Ton.
We expected someone else to be anchored there, so we were surprised
to have it all to ourselves, sort of, since the only other occupants are a lot
of no-see-ums which we heard are a factor out on the island and the other non-sentient
occupants of the bay and island.
Sun set casts a warm glow on the dramatic outline of Este Ton as we arrive late in the afternoon
Carllie: We were literally eaten alive by these voracious no-see-ums
from 1:00 in the afternoon when we arrived until we jumped into the water for
a very welcome swim. I am sure I drowned about 50 of those little pests when
I lowered myself off the swim ladder. Had a great swim to shore and back, while
Garett snorkeled around looking for fish for dinner. Then, we shut ourselves
up in the cuddy cabin and sleeping hull for a nap. It is difficult to make dinner
in the heat, using the stove with all the doors shut, so we just had salads.
These no-see-ums are so tiny that they even get through our tiny screens that
Garett especially made in San Blas for the no-see-ums there. Although we wrapped
ourselves up in our long-john pyjamas with long socks on our feet pulled up
over our jammies, and long-sleeved tops, and covered up with sheets or Polartec
blankets, we were bitten all night long on our hands or anything else that wasn’t
tucked in.
Spear Gun Problems
Garett: I had heard that the snorkeling was really good here
so I went out along the shore towards the entrance reefs. The visibility wasn’t
great, maybe 20 feet. I tried a few shots but didn’t hit anything. The bay has
a pretty rock bottom and so on about my 5th attempt I swam down to about 15
feet and fired at a fish in the rocks. The fish was too far away so I missed,
and not only that, the spear tip jammed in the rocks below me so I had to drop
my gun which sank to the bottom. The only problem was that when I reached surface
I couldn’t see my gun below on the rocks as the water was a little murky. I
tried to keep myself over the same spot in the waves action at the point. It
took a few breaths and then went down and at about 10 feet I saw the silver
aluminum of the gun. When I reached the spear itself I was quickly able to free
it and made it back to the surface with the gun. That was close as I though
I might have lost it. I have now filled the hollow parts of the gun with foam
so it floats up from the spear which is stuck on the bottom. It is much easier
to see now.
I continued to try to find some fish but was not having much
luck so I made my way back to
Light Wave. My gun was armed so I figured
I would dive on the couple of rocks under the boat. When I went down I made
my last shot at a fish that day, but I missed. When I pulled the spear back
to the gun (it is attached with a small 15-foot line I realized that the 6-inch
part which is notched for the elastic bands to hook into had broken off and
was gone. This was definitely a small disaster as it would be along time before
I could get a new spear so my spear fishing career might be on an extended hold.
Even if I could find the piece I would have to find someone who could it weld
it back together, but first I had to find the piece. I must have dove 20 times
to search the sandy bottom for this small piece with no luck. Things did not
look good. I was running out of energy and getting cold, but made one more dive
in the 15 feet of water and miraculously spotted it on the bottom and picked
it up. Now there was still hope that I could continue spearfishing, but we would
have to go back to Bahia Los Angeles earlier than we had planned to find a welder
to fix the spear before heading back out to the islands. I still had my Hawaiian
sling which is still effective but only at very close range.
Carllie: On the “Southbound Net” on single sideband
radio tonight, one of the cruisers reminded everyone that tonight after moonset,
we can view a meteor shower. Moon sets at midnight, so we set our clock to get
up at 1 a.m.for the show. We dragged ourselves out of our restless no-see-um
ridden sleeps and out on deck to watch for the shooting stars, and did see quite
a few. Unfortunately, our enjoyment was somewhat diminished by the continually
biting bugs. I mean these critters bite! They are so tiny you can only see them
if you look very closely, and they bite–CHOMP!!–as soon as they land. And
they actually take a piece of skin out of you. We are not sure exactly how they
do this as human skin is very tough and not that easy to penetrate, this being
one of the reasons it is not so easy for a spider to bite us. I am going to
do an internet search on no-see-ums (How do no-see-ums bite humans?) at the
earliest opportunity! Meantime, if anyone else would like to research it, please
email me if you find the answer!
Sunday October 21, 2007
The Windstorm
– First Norther of the Year
Garett: The strong norther winds were forecast
to start some time today but the forecaster did not know when so at about 3
am in the morning we decided that when we woke up for the weather at 7 am if
there the winds were going to be delayed we would head back to BLA (only 20
miles) to fix the spear gun right away that morning.
The first day of three days of intense wind at Este Ton whips up the dust in the high hills, eventually almost obscuring them.
When we woke up at 6:30 a.m. the north winds had started, and
when we heard on the weather that this first Norther of the year would be 25
to 40 knots we realized we were going to be staying here for quite awhile. These
late fall, winter and early spring winds are caused by high pressure over the
Denver-Salt Lake City which also causes the Santa Ana winds of California which
fan the brush fires of southern California into the raging forces of destruction
like the one that recently devoured 1,800 homes from Oxnard California down
to Malibu..
By 10 a.m. the winds had escalated to 25 knots
and gusting, so we decided to move closer to the beach to the reduce the fetch.
An hour later when the winds reached 30+ knots we decide to put our a second
anchor off at an angle to give us more holding power.
Garett taking out the second anchor at Este Ton in building winds.
One of the good things with all the wind is that
the no-see-ums have been blown away. The damage from yesterday’s bites was significant.
I must have 200 bites on my hands and feet, and are they itchy, and Carllie
has a murder of bites as well. Even using the treatment of applying a spoon
(dipped in hot water) to each bite only provides relief for a couple of hours.
In the past this technique would dissipate most bites in two sessions.
Carllie: While we were doing this, I thought I
saw a cat on the beach watching us! I was sure I was seeing things, that it
must be a seagull or something, and didn’t have time to look, but sure enough
when Garett came back to the cockpit from setting the anchor, he said, “Is
that a cat on shore?” By now, the cat had begun its prowl along the beach,a
nd sure enough it was a house cat. Here’s a picture of him. I called to him
immediately, presuming he had been lost on shore by visiting cruisers, and promised
we would rescue him. We piled into the dinghy as soon as possible with a can
of tuna, but when we saw this cat, he ran from us, and we concluded that he
is one on of the many feral cats and the cruising guides say are on some of
these islands! There are also, no doubt, coyotes, but this particular cat was
pretty smart so I am sure he can look after himself.
Domestic cat prowls the shore at Este Ton, checking us out. I was worried about him until we took food ashore for him and he ran away from us. He has learned to look after himself. Later, we discovered that the down side is that these feral cats are eating the eggs of the seabirds, thus reducing the bird population.
Walking in the hills behind Este Ton we found a lot of pumice stones–big and light as a feather, and they float!
First exploration on the beach at Este Ton.
The Wind Storm Builds
Garett: The winds kept building during the day
and the mountains became obscured by the blowing dust. Visibility was down to
a hazy 2 miles but it was sunny. We listened to the evening weather update and
found that boats in the various anchorages within 40 miles of us were getting
these strong winds too of up to 60 knots.
After dinner we settled down to watch a movie,
but the winds became even more intense with gusts up to 40 knots–which always
seems worse in the dark. I didn’t sleep much as I kept checking the anchor lines
and to see if we were dragging.
Monday October 22, 2007 – Our 25th Wedding
The Storm Peaks
Garett: Today is our 25th wedding anniversary and it will be
a memorable day. Firstly the weather: we thought the worst was over last night
but we were wrong. After listening to the morning weather at 7 a.m. and hearing
reports from boats just 30 miles away experiencing 50-to-60 kt winds, we knew
it would get worse. As soon as the weather report was over things did indeed
get more intense.
White caps forming in the short 1/8 mile fetch between Light Wave and the shore as the wind intensifies.

These extreme gusts would come off the 3,500 foot
mountain peaks that surround the bay with such intensity that it would whip
the top of the water off so that it looked like a blizzard.
Intense wind whip up mini tornadoes of water and mountains are now almost totally obscured by dust. This is unique to the Baja, as there is not enough growth to hold down the soil. At home when the high winds blow, trees fall down, but you can still see where you are going!
“Wind devil” a little closer to us just outside our little cove at Este Ton.
Bigger wind devils in the near distance.
The ocean outside the bay was a maelstrom. But it was still
brilliant sunshine! It is hard to estimate the wind speed but when we stepped
outside and the gusts hit the boat it was difficult to keep our eyes open. It
was like putting your head out of a car doing 60 m.p.h. (I guess that is 55
knots). These were the strongest winds we have ever experienced. This went on
until noon when it eased up a bit.
We did not feel comfortable leaving the boat to
go to shore. However, I did go out spearfishing but only equipped with my Hawaiian
sling. I was able to get a small leopard grouper which was going to be our big
dinner treat.
Big waves built up in the channel that we viewed when we walked across the beach to the other side.
Light Wave lies at Este Ton, well tethered by three anchors.
By late afternoon it seemed the worst was over so we went ashore
and looked over the gravel bar that separates our bay from the sea of Cortez.
Wow! These big rollers were steaming by. It was a grand sight.
We had our own anniversary dinner at home by candlelight. It
was a very memorable day. Just as as we were turning in at 10 o’clock the wind
started rocketing down off the mountains again with gusts that were at least
as strong as the ones of the morning. Finally by midnight it finally wound down
hopefully for good. (C: We also figure the north wind the blasted down on us
at Este Ton was intensified as it passed roared through the mountains and canyons
of Isla Angel de la Guarda.)
Carllie: When I got up on this bright windy
morning, I was very surprised to find a hand-made card, and a wrapped gift box
on the table. My darling husband surprised me for our 25th, and gave me a beautiful
pair of silver hoop Aztec-styled earrings that he bought in Guaymas. The wrapping
paper says “Juntos para siempre,” which means “Together for always.”
Very thoughtful and very romantic. I don’t know how we could have a more perfect
way to celebrate our 25th anniversary than sharing a beautiful secluded anchorage
on the beautiful Sea of Cortez, being visited by various songbirds throughout
the day.
Garett gave me this hand-made card for our 25th anniversary.
Duck-duck helped us celebrate.
As my gift to Garett, I made pancakes from scratch using a
great recipe I found in a novel I just read, “Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked
God” by Joe Coomer. The was the second time I had made them. The recipe
involves a lot of sifting flour, and calls for 2 eggs separated, the whites
beaten to peaks. Yah right, very difficult without some type of beater. I solved
this problem by using an empty mayonnaise bottle and shaking it up. Unfortunately
when I asked Garett to get out my ingredients, he brought up baking soda instead
of baking powder, and I didn’t double check. Needless to say, 4 teaspoons of
baking soda with 1 teaspoon of salt is completely different than 4 teaspoons
of baking power. Yuck. I will just have to make these anniversary pancakes another
This is definitely “All creatures great and small”
time, as since we arrived yesterday a steady stream of songbirds has alighted
Light Wave. Since the day after we arrived, the hot north wind has
been blowing a gale to storm-force wind, and we figure these pretty little creatures
are seeking surcease from the wind, and somewhere safe where they can land and
rest. We have had yellow finches, sparrows, and an unidentified beautiful, but
slightly larger bird with a long white and black tail, the latter surprising
me when I returned to the cuddy cabin after helping Garett re-set and untangle
our two anchor lines, and found him inside.
Unidentified bird (can you help Kasandra?) perching in the front window inside our cuddy cabin.
While I was making the ill-fated pancakes, another little bird
landed in the cockpit, and gradually got closer and closer. Garett threw out
a few crumbs of bread and he nibbled at those, but what he really liked was
the houseflies that we had swatted inside the cuddy cabin. We threw him 3 dead
bodies, and he snapped them up quick as a wink. When Garett went down to have
a little nap and I stretched out on the saloon couch, this little bird hopped
inside and explored. I got up when he hopped back outside, and put out some
water in which I soaked some bread. I am sure this was the first time this little
bird had seen fresh water in a long time, if ever, and he liked it. Long and
short, he stayed with us all day, and we fed him off and on. When we got too
close he repositioned himself on a hull, and when we went to shore for a little
exploration he made himself at home in the cockpit.
This little guy stayed with us all day, finding shelter from the wind and free food! We gave him all the little houseflies we merrily swatted. There is an even better incentive to nail these pesky intruders when we can feed them to the birds!
We had a great refreshing swim around the boat, in the coolest
water yet–73 degrees–followed by fresh water showers. Mmm-mmm, does that feel
good! Garett made us a little lunch of tortillas with bits of rice, refried
beans and salsa sauce for fillings, and while we ate, our little bird friend
hopped in and looked around for food, making himself right at home, on the floor,
on the counters, in the frying pan looking for rice! I said to him, “Don’t
you have a home? Don’t you have a wife?” but this didn’t seem to faze him.
We swatted a few flies and threw them to him, and I am sure he has eaten better
today than any other day of his little life, not to mention being protected
from the wind and predators. So he will probably come back tomorrow and the
next day until this north wind dies down and we can leave!
It has been a very memorable anniversary indeed. We feel like
the day has been etched in our minds forever.
The blue lines on the GPS show our track
thorough the night as we swung around our anchor.
Tuesday October 23, 2007
Garett: The winds were down 20 to 25 knots but looking out
into 15 mile passage over to BLA it was not very inviting so we decided to stay
at least one more day here.
Garett picked up this little Junco and repositioned him as he was in the way. He didn’t fly away and panic as expected, but promptly fell asleep!
Another day of high winds at Este Ton.
Carllie doing her Titanic imitation!
Hiking the hills behind the beach at Este Ton to limber up the legs.
Light Wave securely anchored
in very windy Este Ton.
As everywhere in the Sea of Cortez, cacti abound.
Windy days, happy cruisers.
Garett catches a fish a Este Ton. He was certainly a good provider and protector here.
Wednesday and -Thursday October 24-25, 2007
Carllie: The bugs are back so we did some early morning snorkeling,
Garett in his wetsuit armed with speargun, and me in nothing but goggles. Hey!
We are alone in this beautiful spot, and we take every chance we can to enjoy
the blissful feeling of swimming in the sea with nothing on. Because the winds
and waves had subsided we quickly pulled up our anchor, bade adieu to Este Ton
and all of our little birdie friends and cautiously poked our nose out into
the channel.
After three days of very big winds and one day of moderating
winds, the swells were still fairly significant, but there were no big breaking
waves like the ones that had kept us safely spider-webbed into Este Ton. It
was great to shake out the sails again and give
Light Wave her head,
and enjoy a nice fast sail to BLA. Although we had originally planned to continue
our discovery of the area for a couple of weeks and had provisioned for it,
we had to find a welder to fix Garett’s spear. He is now totally into fishing-providing;
snorkeling, free-diving and spearfishing has replaced squash as his challenging
Here are the two of the anchor lines completely twisted and tangled. It was fun trying to unravel it all.
The water was very clear at Este Ton and we often saw schools of small or medium sized fish swimming by.
Our goodbye glimpse of Este Ton, our home for four nights.
By 10 a.m. we were off for Bahia Los Angeles.
Garett did find a good welder who did a great job welding his spear back together,
while I scooted into the yellow tienda across the street and stocked up on produce.
We want to get fully provisioned so that tomorrow we can head back out, eventually
going north 30 miles to Puerto Refugio for a long stay.
Garett filing the new rubber band slot in his repaired spear.
Sunset at Bahia de Los Angeles.
Next day, Garett went ashore with a shopping list while I stayed
on the boat to do some writing. We had a great visit this evening, having invited
for “High Tea” Bill and Miriam from
Moon Hunter and their
visiting guests Jason and Karen, all from Sechelt near B.C. on the “Sunshine”
Coast where it rains 6 days out of 7. I had made a banana cake, and served everyone
cake and tea or Sprite while Garett proudly showed Bill and Miriam around
Wave and explained our recent modifications. I chatted with Jason and Karen,
a boatless couple now retired, about the need for a return to old-fashioned
child discipline: i.e., when a parent says “No,” and means No, and
if a child doesn’t do what she is told, she is reminded with a little physical
stimulation. Jason and Karen raised a daughter with discipline, and have learned
that discipline gives children boundaries and actually makes them feel secure.
Plus, if they are not disciplined they have no respect for the parents and in
their teenage years when they may need some guidance, they will not come to
their parents for it. It was nice to hear the voice of Reason. We can only hope
that child discipline will have a come-back as weddings did in the 1980s, replacing
the ’60s hippy-initiated trend of living together without marriage.
Visiting on Light Wave with
Bill and Miriam (centre) and their guests Karen and Jason, all from Sechelt B.C.
Friday October 26, 1007
Our friend Marni Siddons, whom we had last seen in San Carlos
with hubby Peter, had told me about clams lying around in the sand at nearby
La Mona, so guess where I wanted to go? We sailed a short two miles across the
bay and anchored near one small unpopulated beach and another beach with a lot
of obviously “gringo” houses not far from shore. I could hardly wait
to grab those clams that Marni said were right at your feet when you waded into
the water, but we had to wait for the tide to go down, so we had a little rest.
Just before we settled down we were hailed by a friendly voice and looked out
to find a kayaker had paddled over. Working against the waves to stay with us,
Gene talked very enthusiastically to us for about 20 minutes about
Wave, which he had seen on a recent cover of
Multihulls Magazine. He
had also read that story and others we have written, and loved our wee vessel.
Gene is from Santa Cruz, California, and is a commercial fisherman. His friends
in houses on shore had invited him down for a holiday. We had a nice chat with
him, and I was very encouraged by his comments about the cruising and voyaging
stories he so loves to read in
Multihulls Magazine. Lately I had been
losing some steam on my writing efforts, but Gene’s unmitigated enthusiasm and
obvious enjoyment re-ignited the fires.
As soon as our rest was over, we squeezed into our wet suits
and dinghied to shore. Garett took off with his speargun, while I swam out with
my mesh bag secured to my weight belt to hunt for clams. It was a bit of work,
but I had great fun diving for clams, and hauled back three bagfuls of them,
being forced to return to the dinghy on shore each time the bag got so heavy
it was pulling me down. We had a good laugh about that later, as I am so greedy
with clams.
Light Wave sails to La Mona so we spearfish and dive for clams.
We had another little visitor at La Mona. The birds and honey bees seem to be attracted to Light Wave’s bright yellow color and wide decks.
Some of the gringo houses on the beach at La Mona.
I was so looking forward to making a creamy clam
pasta, but our new friends from the sailing vessel Lightheart, Steve
and Carolyn, zoomed over in their inflatable dinghy to pass on an invitation
from some folks on shore to come for “cocktails” at their beach cottage
at 6 o’clock. We just barely got back to the boat in time to shower and change,
then putzed over to the other beach to look for the house with the whalebones.
We did find it, this lovely yet simple beach house painted a lovely pastel peach,
with a big veranda decorated with huge whale bones, and artwork.
The beautiful outdoor barbecue kitchen at Dennis and Rainy’s beach house at La Mona.
Our hosts were Dennis and Rainy, a very friendly
couple also from Santa Cruz. It turns out most of the cottage owners at La Mona
are from Santa Cruz, and they are a very tightly knit community. Many of them
are artists, and we saw samples of their art during the evening–both in our
hosts’ home as Rainy is a very accomplished painter and artist, much like our
friend Karmel at home, who turns everything she touches into a piece of art,
and also in some beautiful pottery that another guest, Beth, had made and brought
to the party. Beth had come with her husband and, more importantly, her cute
perky little Jack Russell Terrier, Ben. Beth is also a painter and has just
written and illustrated her first children’s book called, “All About Ben.”
I gave her our boat card and asked her to let me know when it is published so
I can buy a copy. Ben is such an amazingly smart and entertaining little fellow
that she has ideas for several books in her head.
New friends and old enjoy a delicious dinner of fresh caught bonita tuna on the veranda at Dennis and Rainy’s beach house.
Long story short, cocktail hour (which for us was club soda
that we brought with us), evolved into dinner, as Rainy and Dennis insisted
all of us cruisers stay. We had freshly made clam chowder, made with clams from
the nearby lagoon, and fresh bonita tuna. What a feast! We were so happy to
be included with such a friendly group of people, all of whom also happen to
be sailors, many racing sailors and some delivery captains, and to get to know
new people.
Saturday-Sunday October 27-28, 2007
Leaving the clam beds behind, we motored to nearby Isla Ventana,
a designated national park, and went for a short exploratory walk on shore.
Isla Ventana, near Bahia de Los Angeles.
Short walk at Isla Ventana–no shells here!

Then we motored to Los Rocas at Isla Coronado,
which is actually two islands. The northern portion of the larger island is
obviously an extinct volcano, as you can see in this picture.
A view to the north to Isla Coronado. It is an extinct volcano as can be seen by its shape.
On the way to Isla Coronado.
Anchored at Los Rocas at Isla Coronado, an extinct volcano and very desolate.
Volcanic remnants on Isla Coronados rise to a 928-foot cinder
cone. We had heard there is a way to hike to the top, but the wind did not allow
us to anchor in the right spot for our attempt at the summit, thankfully for
me as my knee was in pretty bad shape. Going up a mountain is okay, it’s coming
down that is so hard on the joints.
Garett enjoying a read at Isla Coronado.
I am now into writing again, thanks to our new friend Gene’s enthusiasm about cruising and voyaging articles.
The sun sets at Isla Coronado.

We stayed for two nights at a more southern anchorage here,
and although we went for a brief walk on shore, it is just a desolate rock.
It erupted in sometime in the 1950’s, and there is still there is hardly any
Monday October 29, 2007
Light Wave stepped back out into the channel,
for a very very fast motoring trip to Puerto Refugio, 30 miles distant. Mysteriously,
though the tide was supposed to be ebbing and so against us, we were riding
a favorable current that boosted our speed from our usual motoring speed of
5 or 5.5 knots to 6.8 to 7.3 knots.
The top of our first fin whale while leaving Coronado heading for Puerto Refugio.
Bliss! We are all stocked up, the seas are calm, and we are on our way to a very beautiful safe anchorage for a long stay.
Sail Rock marks the entrance to Puerto Refugio. You can see it from a long ways off, and from a distance it looks like a sail, reflecting the sun off its white guano-covered sides.
Chart showing Puerto Refugio at the northern end of Isla Angel De La Guarda.
Here is a detailed map of the Puerto Refugio at the northern tip Isla Angel De La Guarda where we stayed for 8 nights.
Because of that favorable current we reached Refugio very early
in the day, giving us time for a nice long snorkel and spearfishing foray into
the bay. Garett caught two trigger fish! His first trigger fish yet! Great eating!
Garett with his first trigger fish at Puerto Refugio.
After a little siesta, we took the dinghy out into the Sea
about a mile to a nearby islet where we had heard there is a colony of sea lions
that people swim with. This was just a reconnaissance trip, however. We saw
and heard the pennipeds from a long ways out, needless to say, and slowly putzed
up about 50 yards from shore, very slowly getting closer and closer. Soon, we
picked out many sea lion pups hopping about on shore, then we saw them playing
on the nearby rocks. They are so cute on shore, but it is hard to get a photo
of them, so I have attempted a drawing of the land-bound sea lion pup:
This is my attempt to draw the sea lion pups as they hop around on land. They are not quite correct, I later realized, as they don’t have two back flippers to balance on, just one “feather-like” (thus “penniped”) tail. I will try to draw a better picture for our next update.
Our first view of sea lions and pups at Isla Granito, a two mile dinghy trip from Puerto Refugio.
Anyway, we turned off the motor, and gradually drifted close
to the island, taking photos and videos the whole time. Soon, the babies ventured
out to visit us as their curiosity overwhelmed their caution. It was so funny
to watch them poking their heads out of the water for a peak, then turning and
twirling gracefully over and around under the water, peaking out, then sticking
their whole necks and heads up in groups of three or four, all the time getting
closer and closer to us. You know how it is: you see something incredible in
Nature and you start snapping pictures when the subject is still a tiny dot
in the distance, and eventually they are so close you get perfect pictures.
Thank goodness for digital cameras and their huge memory capacity, as with a
35 mm, we would have been cooked. Anyway, I managed to get some pretty good
stills and some great videos of this little gang of sea lion pups as they played
with us.
Curious sea lion pups checks us out as we sit in our dinghy at tiny Isla Granito, that is home to a sea lion colony. The babies are not that big so they must have been born in September, just like those we saw last year at San Miguel Island.
A gang of curious sea lion pups check us out.
This is my attempt to
We plan to return soon so Garett can swim with them. I am not
quite up to that bravery level. My curiosity has not yet overwhelmed my caution.
The trigger fish made great eating tonight, with baked potatoes
and salad. Very delicious white meat, though we overcooked it a bit. Next time
we will know better. The new cruising friends we had made at B.L.A. who had
spent the summer up here in the northern Sea of Cortez, lived on fish they had
speared every day. Garett plans to keep us similarly well supplied.
A glorious sunset on our first night at Puerto Refugio.
Tuesday October 30, 2007
Garett: We though we would stay in West Bay for a couple of
days but when the wind died down at 10 am the no seeums showed up so we decided
to motor through the little channel over to the middle bight of East Bay.
Beautiful rock formations on the outside
of Isla Angela de la Guarda at Puerto Refugio.
We hiked on shore at the southeastern side where we anchored for the day.
This huge cactus has been growing for a very long time.
It was great to stretch our legs.
Returning to Light Wave after a nice long hike.
Light Wave in her day anchorage on the outside of the island, where there were a lot fewer no-see-ums and bobos.
It is only about 1.5 miles os we were there in no time so we
anchored off the cliffs and while Carllie worked on here writing I went out
to do some spear fishing.
Every time you go to a new area it feels very foreign, but
after a short while you start to identify all the rocks and bolders. There were
quite a few fish but it was hard to get close enough for a good shot. All of
sudden this huge black form zipped by and I shrieked though my snorkel as it
scared the daylights out of me. I tried to regain my composure and then realized
it was a sea lion foraging from the colony on the island two miles away. He
zipped curiously around me a few more times and was off again fishing like me.
They are beautiful graceful creatures in their natural ocean environment.
After a bit of lunch we went ashore for a bit of land exercise
as the land looked like it was flat enough for a good hike, Carllie’s left knee
being not quite up to par. We wandered for about an hour and half through the
open scrub. We could have gone farther but we didn’t want to leave the boat
unattended too long in the open bay we were in for the afternoon.
Wednesday October 31, 2007
Our daily pattern became well established: as
soon as the bugs come out when the wind died at 10 a.m. we were off to West
Bight in East Bay. After the short 15-minute trip we were away from the biting
no-see-ums and settled down to a relaxing day.
Carllie limbering up for another long hike at our second day anchorage at Refugio.
Again, we scooted into shore for a hike, hoping
to have a similar stretch to yesterday’s. We were surprised to find the land
had no bushes, trees, cacti–nothing, and could not figure it out. It almost
looked like Mount St. Helens had blown as there were bits of branches laying
flat all over the ground, but nothing living (similar to the matchstick trees
we saw in aerial photos flattened against the flanks of that volcanic mountain
in Washington State). Finally, on our way back we came across an old nest in
the remains of a low-lying bush. The nest was made of the same sticks we saw
lying everywhere. As we had seen a few desiccated bodies and skeletons of pelicans,
we figured that this is where pelicans nest and perhaps also come to die. The
adult birds pick branches off all the nearby bushes, killing most of them; and
when the fledglings leave the nests, the wind that blows throughout the year
up here from different directions scatters the twigs.
Another interesting and pretty cactus.
This area was absolutely without growth, and looked like the aftermath of a volcanic eruption, until we figured out the cause…
Beautiful azure blue water framed by the ever changing pastels of the beach and strata of rock and sand in the surrounding hills.
Light Wave anchored in her second day anchorage at Puerto Refugio.
At 3 o’clock we went ashore for another hike in
the rolling hills to the southwest. It was very different terrain as it was
perfectly smooth hills and the valley between them with no scrub or cacti. We
later figured that it was because the seabirds had used every piece of grass
and twig for their nests.
Tomorrow we are off the final 10 miles to the “big city”
of B.L.A. (pop. 1,500) to buy some food , and top up water and gas.
Sus amigos, Garett and Carllie
Tags: mexico sea of cortez catamaran cruising offshore